Trip Reports, Exciting New Expeditions and Last Minute Deals from Big Fish Expeditions
Another year has passed since we sent out a newsletter and what a whale of a year it was! Other than a couple of trips that struggled with bad weather, we enjoyed incredible big animal encounters everywhere we went. Follow this link to 18 new trip reports since the last update. You’ll find our usual candid accounts of how each trip went plus endless great images: 2016/17 Expedition Reports
In July of next year, we are heading to Uganda for a very special Gorilla Trekking Safari. If you are interested in encountering our closest relatives, you will not want to miss this expedition. We will visit numerous parks around the country and spend time with up to 12 different species of primates including Mountain Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Black and White Colobus Monkeys, Baboons, Blue Monkeys, L’Hoest Monkeys, Vervet Monkeys, Grey Cheeked Mangabeys, Red Tailed Monkeys, Bush Babies and Pottos. We will also focus on tree dwelling lions, African elephants, hippos, leopards, large herds of endemic antelopes, and so much more! Be prepared to arrive home exhausted and utterly satisfied after this epic adventure. Read more about our Mountain Gorilla Trekking and Primate Safari

Each year we run amazing Tiger Shark Diving Trips as well as world class Great Hammerhead Diving Trips. Both these trips are consistently good with lots of enormous, dependable sharks. If anything, these trips get even better every year!
We’ve been asked numerous times to run combined trips that visit Tiger Beach for tigers, lemon sharks and more and then Bimini Island for the great hammerheads and bull sharks.
You asked and we listened. Starting in November 2018, we’re offering an extended Bahamas Shark Safari aboard the Dolphin Dream.
On this trip you can expect to see up to 8 species of sharks including Tiger Sharks, Lemon Sharks, Caribbean Reef Sharks, Bull Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Great Hammerhead Sharks, Blacknose Sharks and possibly Blacktip Sharks. If you’re a shark addict, you’ll love this trip! Bahamas Shark Safari.
Our two beluga trips were especially good last year. Each time we visit them, the belugas seem friendlier than they did the year before. Last summer, the moms actually started bringing their newborn calves right up to us for a closer look. It was a wonderful experience. The viz was really good too, resulting in endless images like the one below:
We are of course running more trips to dive with them this summer. So what’s new you may ask? Starting this season, Big Fish Expeditions has been issued a Manitoba guiding license that permits us to explore more of the tundra with our guests. That means afternoons driving around the tundra looking for wildlife and enjoying the scenery and nightly drives out of town to enjoy the northern lights in all their glory – one more reason to join our beluga trip this July/August.
Known for amazing manta encounters plus great shark diving and occasional run-ins with humpbacks, Socorro has established itself as a truly world class big animal destination. Generally we wouldn’t dream of discounting this trip but we ended up with an extra charter that we didn’t expect and we have spots to fill so throughout May, we have a special on our January 2018 trip. Regularly priced at $3795, this is your chance to visit Socorro on an 8 day trip for just $3095. If that sounds too good to pass up, email us soon because this special ends on June 1st!!! Socorro Adventure

The Galapagos needs no introduction. Darwin’s playground should be on every big animal diver’s bucket list. This is your chance to experience this incredible archipelago at an affordable price: Galapagos Shark Safari.
Diving with scalloped hammerheads at Darwin’s Arch in the Galapagos Islands
That’s it for now but we have quite a few new trips taking shape so please keep an eye on our website and our Big Fish Facebook Page for the latest news.
Have a great summer and we’ll see you out there!
Andy Murch
Trip Leader and Founder of Big Fish Expeditions